Aim Of The Experiment

To study the different slides and identifying them with various characteristics. The various specimens are:

  • Amoeba
  • Hydra
  • Liver fluke
  • Ascaris lumbricoidis
  • Leech
  • Earthworm
  • Prawn
  • Silkworm
  • Snail
  • Starfish
  • Shark
  • Rohu
  • Frog
  • Lizard
  • Pigeon
  • Rabbit

Materials Required

  • Freshly prepared animal specimens
  • Pencil
  • Record file
  • Eraser
  • Sharpener
  • Rules
  • Practical guide/A laboratory guide

Amoeba Proteus




  • It is a microscopic, unicellular entity with a diameter of 0.2-0.5mm, appearing greyish in colour.
  • The amoeba is usually found in ditches, ponds, lakes or rivers that contain adequate decomposed organic matter.
  • When observed under a microscope, amoeba seems to be like a jelly that has an irregular shape containing a little mass of hyaline protoplasm. This protoplasm can be classified into a notable inner endoplasm and outer octoplasm.

Characteristic Features

  • Irregular shape
  • Unicellular
  • Exhibit pseudopodia – They are blunt and finger-like projections that are used in locomotion and phagocytosis
  • They exhibit contractile vacuole